Please note: We generally respond to emails within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, please call one of these phone numbers: 3132241826 or to 3182112120.
Indicate your arrival and departure date on the calendar. The chosen plan: Day Trip, Lodging or Experiences and workshop. At the end of the form under “Tell us about yourself” please tell us about your expectations or doubts you may have regarding the departure. If you chose the Experience / Workshop plan, please also mention which one. By return mail you will receive a message with the total amount to pay and the reservation will be confirmed once you send us the receipt with 100% of said payment. REMEMBER THAT WE CAN ONLY LET YOU ENTER WITH PRIOR RESERVATION

It is important that you take a look at our frequently asked questions and the biosafety regulations. We are always happy to answer any other questions you may have prior to departure. Looking forward to see you soon!

It is important that you take a look at our frequently asked questions and the biosafety regulations. We are always happy to answer any other question that you may have before departure. We will wait for you!

Rooms Map

Birding in the morning or early morning? Choose one or more beds for the night and please indicate them in the reservation form under the Beds field. Bathrooms shared between adjacent rooms.

Finca Suasie B&L house view
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